The Knitting Club

I have been doing a million things lately and I haven't taken the time to post them on the blog.

The most recent activity to add to the list is knitting. I've been wanting to learn to knit for a long time, especially after seeing all of the fun projects on sites like Martha Stewart, but I have never taken the time or had the patience to sit down and learn. That is, until recently.

My young daughter learned how to knit at school during a once-a-week lunchtime knitting club. She was so excited she came home and started to teach me.

She has now started our own family knitting club at home.

I haven't completed any major projects yet. My older daughter has already finished a scarf and she is currently working on a poncho.

I still find patterns intimidating and the tension on my yarn is not consistent, but I am having a wonderful time talking with my children while we knit.

Sometimes, the most valuable lessons come from unexpected places.

What projects are you currently working on? There must be a million things on your list.